Highway Life
Touching Jesus . . .
on the Journey
Saving People ..
for Eternity
CHURCH: Non-denominational (it doesn't matter what church you've been to)
Interracial (All hearts welcome)
Love-able (Right where you are) Come Join in!
Why go to a tight, judgmental, segregated church? Break the Cycle! At Highway Life you will find friends here, find love here, find a warm network of people that love people and want you to join in for the journey as we
embrace Jesus!
Get Connected: Check out key points believe of WHAT WE BELIEVE...
And God said in the book of Genesis, "Let us make man in our image..." The reference was to mankind, in agreement with each other. God spoke as a team. Yes a team. Three Persons!
God is 3 person's: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those 3 are persons are called God. Easier: 3 parts to an egg right? What are they? E_ _ Y_ _ _S_ _ _ _. All 3 parts make up 1 egg.
To find out more, come visit Highway Life Sundays @ 10:00 am. In order to love, and respect GOD you have to know about Him. Do you know Him?
Holy Spirit
We communicate and talk to friends and family, why not God? Can you imagine simply talking to someone who simply has the best direction for your life?
Every needs a Savior. If you need a change in your life. Try Jesus: Just say, God, I've sinned and I've messed up and my life feels empty and I need you. I want to your guidance, and I need peace and understanding about my life. Forgive me of my sins and make me what you want me to be. Thank you for listening to me, I embrace the new change. In Jesus Name, I am yours! Amen!
Guess what? You just experienced SALVATION! Come see us for the next step! Welcome to the Family of God! There's a party going on in heaven over your name and your life matters ! ! !
After Earth
If you don't understand and question why? God's word is TRUE, it never has failed and never will. The ANSWER IS THERE! Through it, You will be empowered, wiser and stronger . You have questions, we have answers!
Wednesday Night is a time to gather, share, ask Questions and get answers!
Prayer is one of the most important things in a Christians life. It's talking to God everyday and sharing your thoughts and asking him to show you the way. That's all it is! Simple, right? So why does it seem complicated and some churches don't even encourage it. A priest does not have to pray for you! Jesus gave you access into His presence and he hears every word you speak. It's this easy! When you say, "Jesus, I need to talk to you, he gives you complete attention. Try it! It's just conversation with someone, he's real and will listen. He will answer you in various ways and you'll know it, but have patience. And look for answers in the small things!